These words are (not) my own.

Do with them as you will….

These are Revo-lu-shun/ar/il/y

selected truths,

conveyed from a radical/political point of view.

This is my particular take on the intersections of our diversity,

betwixt en between,

searching for all the (possible) paths to achieving Afrikan liberation,

I think I may well placed to wax liberatory on what we need to do, to get our shit together,

i’ll write you my thoughts, if you tell me yours,

Does it matter who I yam?

I  yam a warrior.


looking (for truth) in the past

en my present…

this is (for) real.

non-fictions that are hot off the press/

essentially ancient reality.

these are chosen genealogies. Fictive kin.

this is black power.

A chosen series of events,

That prolly never existed,

but in our deep (guts), we know they did,

jus know….different.

moon wise.

I’m going through the distance en (e)motion of

reliving the ancient past,

So that I can intuitively,

over stand the future.

I know (precious) little more than my own lived experience,

And the needs of my communities,

So I deal with that,

That is what I (want to) know most.


more about me:

I yam a wo/man who believes it is right and good that she is wo/man.

A wo/man who honors her experience and tells our (afrikan) stories.

Who refuses to carry the sins of others within hir body and life.

I know Mari,

re/learning magic…

the art of reshaping,

(the) craft of the wise.

exhilarating, dangerous….

like a lion/ess on the rise,

the ultimate adventure.


choose both/and what is destined

dive deep under

go see La Que Sabe, she is the one who knows.

who sung the myths into my bones,en gave we wings to cross the river,

vessels that could travel all forms of land and wota.


more about s/he:

I,s.i.s travel(led) the great river…..

right back to the source,

en there i found hir.

The hidden one.

With a thousand names,

And many faces [in The Q_t werd].

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